A Review and Synthesis of the Geology and Gem Resources of Granitic Pegmatites in Southern California, USA
Gem-bearing pegmatites in Southern California are hosted by the Peninsular Ranges batholith, and occur in ten districts in San Diego and Riverside counties (Figure 1a and Table 1).
Phase transformations as important markers for heat treatment detection in corundum and other gemstones
Detection of heat treatment of ruby and sapphire and other colour varieties of corundum is a major issue for the trade and laboratories alike. Heat treatment of corundum is commonl
Irradiation treatment and gamma-spectroscopy of morganite
The pink variety of beryl, morganite, is one of the most popular orangey-pink to pink gemstones. Its colour is attributed to manganese, both Mn2+ and Mn3+ (Nassau & Wood, 1968, Woo