32nd IGC 2011 Interlaken, Switzerland

Location and Working Hours
Interlaken, SwitzerlandIGC 2011: Interlaken, Switzerland
Dear Participant of the 32nd IGC Conference in Interlaken, Switzerland
Two years after the last IGC Conference – organised by John Saul and his family in Arusha, Tanzania – it is our great pleasure to now host this event in Switzerland, 39 years after the last IGC Conference was held in Switzerland in 1972.
The IGC has always been a platform to present and discuss the latest research in gemmology. But apart from this, it has also been a great opportunity to meet old and new friends and to share not only science, but also friendship during the meeting.
In this spirit, I wish you in the name of the whole organising team an exciting and inspiring IGC Conference with lots of gemmological inputs for your own gemmological research and work.
Michael S. Krzemnicki, SSEF

Interlaken (Switzerland)
Thursday 14th July
Coloured Stones
9.00-9.20 Opening ceremony and Announcements
9.20-10.05 Invited lecture by Prof. T. Armbruster, University of Berne, Switzerland : Gemmology at the Interface between Mineralogy and Crystallography Tourmaline, Garnet, Spodumene, Spinel, Turquoise (Chairman John Koivula)
10.05-10.25 Karl Schmetzer et al : Trapiche tourmaline from Zambia –chemical and structural zoning
10.25-10.45 Federico Pezzotta et al: Gem tourmaline from Elba Island, Italy
10.45-11.05 Coffee break
11.05-11.25 Ulrich Henn et al: Mn-bearing grossular garnet
11.25-11.45 George Bosshart et al: Colorimetric investigation of unstable and stable spodumene colours
11.45-12.05 Furuya Masaki Colouring agents and their spectra in blue spinel
12.05-12.25 Jean Marie Dereppe et al : EPR of turquoise and some of its imitations
12.25-14.00 Lunch
Quartz, Opals
14.00-14.20 Jurgen Schnellrath et al.: Quartz cat’s eyes with unusual fibre distribution patterns
14.20-14.40 Claudio Milisenda et al : Irradiated blue common opal from Brazil
14.40-15.00 Benjamin Rondeau et al : Play-of-colour opal from Wollo, Ethiopia: a new pedogenetic model for gem opal formation 15.00-16.00 Poster session (see below)
15.40-16.00 Coffee break Beryls 16.00-16.20 Henry Hänni : Beryl – 30 years later
16.20-16.40 Liu Shang-I et al: Study of an extraordinary Cs- and Li-rich beryl from Madagascar
16.40-17.00 Hanco Zwaan et al. : Preliminary report on emeralds from the Fazenda Bonfim region, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil
17.00 Conference closes
19.00 Meeting point Kursaal entrance for walk to Harder Kulm train station
19.30-22.00 Dinner at Harder Kulm Restaurant
Friday 15th July
8.00-8.45 EXECO reunion
9.00-9.20 Elisabeth Strack : An overview of production techniques for Chinese freshwater cultured pearls
9.20- 9.40 Michael Krzemnicki et al.: External and internal structures of Tokki pearls: additional cultured pearls formed during pearl cultivation
9.40-10.00 Nick Sturman et al. Cultured Queen Conch pearls – A comparison to natural Queen Conch pearls
10.00-10.20 Federico Bärlocher : The natural Melo pearls from the Andaman Sea, Myanmar
10.20-10.40 Coffee break
10.40-11.00 Laurent Cartier Diamond production in Sierra Leone since 1930
11.00- 11.20 N. N. Zudina, et al.: Orange diamonds from the Siberian placers: the features of structural defects
11.20-11.40 Thomas Hainschwang et al.: Photoluminescence spectroscopy and imaging of type Ib diamonds
11.40-12.00 Emmanuel Fritsch et al.: ”Birefringence” in diamond: a useful tool to separate natural from synthetic diamond
12.00-12.05 Announcements
12.05-13.30 Lunch
13.30-14.20 Poster session
14.20-14.40 Yuri Shelementiev et al.: Distinction between well and poorly cut diamonds on the basis of dark zone analysis
14.40-15.00 Joe Yuan et al.: Using synchrotron radiation to analyse diamond crystal structure
15.00-15.20 Israel Eliezri: From Rough to Report – Use of Technology
15.20 Conference day closes
17.00 Meeting point Kursaal entrance for walk to boat pier Interlaken East
17.30 Boat leaves for Giessbach
19.00 Conference photograph will be taken with all participants at Giessbach
19.30-22.00 Gala Dinner at Giessbach Hotel
Saturday 16th July
Corundum, Heat treatment
9.00-9.20 Walter Balmer et al.: Re-assessment of the characterisation of UV-Vis spectra for rubies from marble-hosted deposits
9.20- 9.40 Jayshree Panjikar et al.: Importance of various “feather type” inclusions in the identification of natural, treated, synthetic and treated-synthetic yellow sapphire
09.40-10.00 John Koivula: High temperature fusion of corundum mimics so-called residues in heat treated rubies and sapphires
10.00-10.20 Visut Pisutha-Arnond et al.: Blue coloration of heat-treated zircon
10.20-10.40 Coffee break
10.40-11.00 John Saul: Emplacement of deposits of coloured gemstones at the intersection of faults with the perimeters of large circular structures
11.00-11.20 Lore Kiefert: Sapphires from exotic sources: Azad Kashmir and New Zealand
11.20-11.40 Lin Sutherland et al.: The New England, New South Wales, Australia gem field: geographic typing of a world class giant gem deposit of basaltic placer origin
11.40-12.00 Nguyen Ngoc Khoi et al.: Three main types of corundum gem deposits in Vietnam
12.00-12.20 Terry Coldham : Basaltic corundum. A case for the promotion of increased cooperation between gemmological researchers and gemstone producers ?
12.20-12.25 Announcements
12.25-14.00 Lunch
Olivine, Jadeite
14.00-14.20 Jaroslav Hyrsl, Historical use of olivine – the origin of peridots in baroque-period jewellery
14.20-14.40 Thanong Leelawathanasuk et al.: Pallasitic peridot : The gemstone from Outer Space
11 14.40-15.00 Loredana Prosperi: Italian gemstones: Peridot from Sardinia, Demantoid garnet from Val Malenco, Omphacite “jade” from the Po Valley, Piedmont, Amber from Sicily
15.00-15.20 Tay Thye Sun et al.: Preliminary studies to distinguish omphacite from jadeite
15.20-15.40 Edward Boehm: Recent coloured gemstone production & market trends
15.40-16.00 Coffee break
Canadian gemstones
16.00-16.20 Willow Wight: Rare gemstones from Mont Saint-Hilaire, Québec, Canada
16.20-16.40 Karen Fox: New Canadian occurrences of gem scapolite and demantoid
16.40-17.00 Bradley Wilson: Gemstones from southern Baffin Island, Nunavut, Canada
17.00 Conference day closes
18.30 Apéritif and Dinner at Restaurant Spycher, Congress Centre Interlaken
Sunday 17th July
08.00-08.45 EXECO meeting
Testing Techniques
9.00-9.30 Prof Thomas Pettke: LA-ICP-MS and its applications in gemmology
9.30- 9.50 Pornsawat Wathanakul et al.: AFM: an alternative technique for indicating gem treatments
9.50-10.10 Manfred Eickhorst: Putting LEDs to work for gemmology
10.10-10.30 Michael Hügi: The characteristics of digital photography applied to photomicrography of gemstone inclusions
10.30-10.50 Coffee break
Rare stones, Organic materials
10.50–11.10 Sutas Singbamroong et al.: Gem characterization of sérandite from Québec, Canada
11.10-11.30 Michael Gray: The care and handling of large gemstones
11.30-11.50 Stephen Webb et al.: An organic gem material of proposed name “rostellite” derived from the fossilized beaks of whales of the family Ziphiidae
11.50-12.10 Stefanos Karampelas: Identification of organic gems from endangered species: An overview
12.10-12.15 Announcements
12.15-14.00 Lunch
14.00-15.00 Conference closing ceremony
15.00 Conference ends
15.15-15.45 Execo meeting (if needed)
Thursday 14th July
15.05 Wilawan Atichat et al.: Mozambique ruby: Indication of low-temperature heat treatment
15.10 Edward Boehm: A photo collage in memory of Dr. Edward J.Gübelin and the many years of his participation in the International Gemmological Conferences and excursions
15.15 George Bosshart: Do bi-coloured green and blue beryls exist, which consist of emerald and aquamarine zones ?
15.20 Emmanuel Fritsch et al.: Cr3+-green common opal from Turnali, North-eastern Turkey
15.25 Henry Hänni et al.: A portable Raman system for gemstone identification: The GemExpert Raman probe
15.30 Franz Herzog et al.: Colour by Rare Earth elements, as exemplified by a colour changing bastnäsite from Pakistan
Friday 15th July
13.35 Arunas Kleismantas: XVIIth century doublets in liturgical items
13.40 Francine Payette et al.: Gem-quality green and blue tourmaline from a Coolgardie pegmatite, Western Australia.
13.45 Boontawee Sripasert et al.: Properties of blue spinel from Sri Lanka
13.50 Elizabeth Su: Jadeite trading in China
13.55 Chakkapan Suthirat et al.: Fancy sapphires from Deniyaya deposit, southern Sri Lanka
14.00 Panjawan Thanasuthipitak et al.: Bi-coloured sapphires from basaltic and metamorphic affiliations
14.05-14.10 R. Wirz: Bruker FTIR
Pre-conference excursion
Bern, Emmental, Gotthard, Campo Lungo, Ticino, Interlaken
Post-conference excursion
Interlaken, Grimsel, Ernen, Binn valley, Zermatt, Bern